Djangolizer manual title

Playing the song

Tutorial video about the playback functions

While the song is playing, all the functions described in the chapter "Composing" are disabled. You can either compose or play the song.

Playback loop

To start and stop the Playback of the song, press the play button (black triangle/quad). You can also use the space bar for that.

loop selection buttons

You can repeat the full song (Play full Song), or only 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 or 32 measures by selecting one of the numbers.
Set the cursor to the first measure of the region which you want having repeated and start the playback.
You can see the selection of the loop by the brighter colour.

You can switch the loop on and off with the keycommand L.

If you like, you can have a "Count in". It gives you the beat for two measures before it starts the song. It helps you to get prepared for the theme.
For practicing over short loops you better turn the count-in off.

Repeat chorus

By default, Djangolizer repeats the playback of the song endlessly until you stop it.
You can limit the number of repetitions of the playback by tweaking the amount (1 - 19) with the two arrows.
The number in the stop button shows you in which round you are.
You'll get the total amount of time for the numbers of choruses.
This time will be inserted in the setlist print function for each song.

Guitar and Bass

The playback serves you a rhythm guitar and a bass.
You can turn them on and off and set their volume as you wish.
If all the musicians would be that easy to handle...

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